heading somewhere?
Thursday, April 23, 2009 0 comments

Ever embarked on a journey to nowhere? Probably not right? It just seems illogical to begin in the first place. On the contrary, that's how most of us journey through life - not knowing our destination.

Well, a fitting question for us it now seems, is, what is the destination? When would we have "arrived" at the destination of our lives? Is it when we finally earn our first degree? When we exchange our marital vows? When we have kids? When we become partners in the firm we invested our lives in? Or is it when we see our children grow up or when we have grandchildren? Or is the destination of life the grave?

To me, it's not the destination that matters, wherever that may be. But rather, it is the journey. Our journey with Christ in life matters more than the things we bought or the things we earned. It's more meaningful than these. Jesus said in John 10:10, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." It is only in our journey with Christ that we will experience life to the full.

Still, we may often ask where are we going? Where am I going to study, work, live and who shall I marry? Sometimes I wished that God would speak to me from the burning bush and tell me where to go and what to do.

Well, my personal conclusion is that God will not tell us His plans for the remainder of our lives. Take Moses for an example. God spoke to him like a friend. Yet, God didn't reveal to Moses all that He would do through him. Rather, God led Moses step by step through the journey.

If God ever revealed His plans for the remainder of our lives, would we still relish and live in the present? Will we still enjoy this journey with Him or would we just wait for the "destination" of our lives to arrive?

More importantly, would we learn to trust in God's guidiance without the uncertainty in life? There are many factors beyond our control, but God is in full control of everything. God says in Jeremiah 29:11 - 13, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Hence, I can continue in this journey not knowing where to study, work, live and whom I shall marry because I can trust in God who will lead me step by step, who knows the best plans for my life. The plans I have may not even be close to second best, but God's plan is the best.

What then makes God's plan the best? In this world, we often like to compare with others. We compare who has better grades, more money, bigger job titles or the most number of prestigious titles. Well, God made us all differently and all unique. The best plan is to do what God has made us able to do and to be content with that. If God has given me the ability to govern, then let me govern in a way that honours God. If God has given me the ability to make music, then let me make music for His pleasure, for His honour. When we do what God has given us the ability to do and honour Him with what we do, it's the best plan for us. Let's not lose our joy over comparing what others have materially to what we have and lose the joy we were intended to have. Remember that our journey with Christ is more meaningful than the things we bought or the things we have earned.

And after a long discourse, I finally return to this journey in life that we started talking about. It's a journey with God, A meaningful one. One that is in God's control, in whom we want to put our trust, for He has the best plans for our lives.


Sunday, January 18, 2009 0 comments

今天,我在教堂里唱了这首很有意义的歌。歌词都跟圣经很相符, 令我十分感动。 就在这跟大家分享这首歌。 这是在优酷最好听的版本了… 哈哈….


Saturday, December 27, 2008 0 comments

咳… 自从考试过后,我依然还是没更新我的博客… 也感到十分惭愧的… 哈哈。

考试后的两个星期,我就忙着计划和准备团契的露营, 所以也好像忙到消失得无影无踪似的… 哈哈…

然后呢,上星期我刚和Zong Yi 和 Zhi Peng 到了吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)旅游。

这是 Zong Yi 和我在新加坡机场拍的.. 现在从新加坡搭飞机到吉隆坡只需新币41元!哈哈… 而且,搭飞机只花一个小时; 比搭巴士的七个小时和地铁的十个小时快多了!

在吉隆坡找方向… 哈哈

Petaling Street! 我们就在这里买了很多衣服和鞋子… 在这里买东西要讨价还价, 因为价钱会高达两倍,所以买东西要把价钱杀到大概一半…

在 Petaling Street 里的 Hotel Chinatown Inn 的房间。 虽然这间旅馆不是最实惠的,但是能在网上预约的旅馆当中它算是最便宜的啦…


这该是在 Pavilion 购物中心的圣诞树前拍的吧… 哈哈… 去了太多购物中心,也忘了去了那些购物中心了… 哇哈哈哈…

听说卖这些蛋糕的店是马来西亚的前首相所开的店… 蛋糕都蛮出名的呀…

在 Pavilion 也有这间出名的巧克力专卖店… 卖的巧克力实在好贵哦!我连一颗也买不起!娃哈哈哈…

这该是 KLCC 吧… 哈哈… KLCC 购物中心是在 Petronas Towers 的最低的几层楼。

在 KLCC 里面的 Louis Vuitton 拍的… 我蛮喜欢拍出来的效果... =)

马来西亚著名的世界最高的大厦:Petronas Towers

在 KLCC 也找到在新加坡绝种的两间店:A&W 和Rotiboy。 我们都挺兴奋能在这里找到这两间店!哈哈...

旅行的第二天,我们就搭公共巴士从吉隆坡到 Kuala Selangor 那里去看萤火虫公园。

我们总总等了40 分钟... 闷都闷死了.. 哈哈

这就是我们搭的巴士... 有些巴士是有冷气的... 但是我们侥幸等到的这辆居然是这不舒服的巴士!

在车上自拍... 哈哈


萤火虫公园的风景挺漂亮的... 可惜我拍不了公园里的萤火虫,因为公园的管理人员禁止拍萤火虫的照...




旅行的第三天,我们回到了吉隆坡附近的 Sunway Lagoon 游乐场玩一整天。

这里的游戏都不会很刺激... 不符合我的需求... 哈哈... 但是我两位朋友都挺恐惧的呀... 哈哈...

过后, 我们就搭了地铁回国去了, 将此结束了我们三天三夜的旅游... 这次的度假实在是太好玩了... 可算是奖赏我上学期努力的付出...

在此,我想祝各位朋友圣诞蒙恩!希望大家能了解圣诞节真正的意义, 并且感谢上帝在两千年前所赐给我们的最好的礼物。

Right Click!

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Friday, November 21, 2008 0 comments

我好像有两个月左右没更新博客了吧.... 老实说,这两个月真的好像奔驶而过似的.... 在这两个月里,我只记得好像有好多好多作业要赶.... 之后,就只剩一个星期准备考试... 第一门科的考试上个星期前考完了,现在也考完了四门,还剩一门在来临的周二考....

我要感谢上帝,在这两个月里一直与我同在... 也感谢上帝帮我顺利地考完这四门科... 今天早上我还挺着急的... 担心今天会考得不好... 但是,我记得我的帮助从上帝而来...

詩篇 121:1- 2

我现在趁下一门考试还有四天,就先休息一下再开始准备最后一门考试... 哈哈... 刚才在优酷上看到了一个蛮好笑的视频,就在这跟大家分享吧...

haha... I got the above text translated on www.dictionary.com... Good for laughs man... It didn't translate the bible verse well either, but I replaced it with the proper english translation.

"I had two months not to renew the blog probably…. To be honest, these two months really probably speeds, but has resembled…. In these two months, I remembered only probably has many many works to catch up with…. Afterward, only remains one week to prepare to take a test… The first branch's test, tested before last week, now also tested four, but also remained one Tuesday which approached to test….

I must thank God, in these two months continuously with me with in… Also thanks God to help me to test these four branches smoothly… I also very worry this morning… The worry the area-wide student examination results in not well today… But, I remember my help from God but…

Psalm 121
I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

I also have four days now while the next test, first rests starts to prepare the last test again… Ha… In superior on cool saw a funny video frequency a moment ago, in this with everybody share…"


Additional thoughts on 满足
Sunday, September 21, 2008 0 comments

Just some post blog entry thoughts on 满足. In marketing, we learn that people consume to meet needs. More than just physiological needs. People consume to meet deeper emotional needs as well. People also consume to create an identity. According to the self-completion theory, people consume to attain more of their ideal self. To attain a sporty self-image, one may buy a sports car or sporting apparel. However, God can satisfy our deepest needs. He gives us the greatest identity we can ever have, to be His children.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008 0 comments

上个星期,炜翔和我刚吃完午餐时,他突然跟我说:“我还不满足…”。 那我就很自然地回答了他: “那你还想买什么?” 这就让我想到一个道理:“当我们不满足,我们时常会想我们能买什么来满足我们的需求。”

媒体也不断地强调这个道理。 电视播放的广告时常呼吁我们买莫莫产品来满足我们的需求。 以下的广告就是一个很好的例子。

在这折广告里,可口可乐的讯息是:“要爽就由自己来买可口可乐喝”。 因为我们时常看到这类的广告, 我们的“要满足就得消费”的观念是理所当然的。

在我当兵的期间,我有一位非常要好的朋友。他就有这个观念 :“如果花这一点钱就能够带给我快乐, 那花这一点钱是值得的。” 在他的影响下,我们和一群好友就时常花钱唱K 歌、 看电影、到网吧打魔兽等等。我不是说这些活动不好,而是我当时过于花钱来寻找快乐和满足感是不必要的。因为呢,当我们玩了一整晚, 一路回家时,当我们都各走各路时,我就感觉到快乐消失得无影无踪。 而我又很快地感到空虚。消费所带来的快乐实在是太短占了…


你想不想知道怎么免费地满足你心中的空虚呢? 你可能正在想:“怎么能是免费的呢? 世上没免费的午餐啊!”

但是,我们越需要的东西往往是越便宜的。 例如水。 人没有水活不过3或4 天。 虽然人需要水来维持生命, 但是,水依然还是挺便宜的。 那氧气呢?人没有氧气活不过大概6 分钟。但是,我们从空气呼吸的氧气依然是免费的。

在圣经里, 上帝呼吁我们:“ 你们一切乾渴的都当就近水来 ;没有银钱的也可以来。你们都来,买了吃;不用银钱,不用价值,也来买酒和奶。 你们为何花钱买那不足为食物的?用劳碌得来的买那不使人饱足的呢?你们要留意听我的话就能吃那美物,得享肥甘,心中喜乐。”


这美物是耶稣。 耶稣也在圣经说:“我就是生命的粮。到我这里来的,必定不饿;信我的,永远不渴。”


如果你有感觉过心中的空虚,不如把心传向耶稣呢?你在你的心中可以对耶稣说你所感觉到的空虚或烦恼… 耶稣是全能的, 他听得到你在心中对他所说的话。 你可以求耶稣满足你心中的空虚, 让他的爱充满你的心。

试试看吧。耶稣是真神。 耶稣爱以及关心你。在心中跟他说话吧。 让他满足你。

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Second Chance
Saturday, September 06, 2008 0 comments

最近真的挺忙的... 周一有个会计测验,周四要交商业营销论文... 明天一阵天还会参加我表哥的婚礼... 我还是赶紧练习会计吧, 就不多说了。 =)

上星期在教堂里唱了一首很有意义的歌… 我就在这跟大家分享吧。


Saturday, August 23, 2008 0 comments

唉… 总算又熬过了多一周! 周三是上周最忙的一天。 现在感觉还好.. 今天和明天还有些时间松一口气,休息一点… 我在优酷碰巧地找到了一首非常有意义的歌。 这首歌是 Michael Tait 的 All You Got。 我特别喜欢那句:“God only knows how much your heart can bear.” 。 只有上帝了解你的心能忍受多少…

我听了这首歌好多次啊!我估计有一百次了吧!哈哈…. 以下是这首歌的歌词。 =)

I heard you say that no one seems to care about you
It's in your eyes, you think that life's unfair to you
Just give it all you got, my friend
Just give it all you got, it's not the end

Cause you oughta know
There's a reason for these changin' seasons
God only knows how much your heart can bear
So don't you let go
Everybody's has their up and down times
Everybody needs to know how much they're loved
My friend
So hold on. it's not the end

As I remember everything you touched
Would turn to gold
You held the secrets
To make your grandest dreams unfold
You were the very best of us all
But the sun that rises stil falls

It's just a love song
Cause everybody needs a friend
I'll be right here for you
Just a simple prayer
It's from the bottom of my heart
That He'll never let you go


Friday, August 15, 2008 0 comments

现在只开学两个星期,我就已经感觉到稍微劳累了。因为呢,我每天上下学的路程总共要花上四个小时…每周还有四天要上午八点半的课!口害… 最近也忙着帮团体招新生。周四还在计算机课堂上演讲了。下周三还要在会计班上演讲… 哈哈… 我的课程需要做很多演讲(presentation)哦!

但是,我还是要感谢上帝所给我的鼓励! 虽然我经常喜欢哀诉, 我感谢上帝经常给我鼓励,给我力量坚持下去。 今天,我在圣经读到:“我的肉体和我的心肠衰残;但神是我心里的力量,又是我的福分,直到永远 。” 我相信,神一定会给我力量完成我所需的总总挑战!

上周六是国庆日。 我和两位好友带了一群香港和大路的交流生到滨海岸看国庆典礼的战斗机表演和晚上的烟火。 我还特地带了数码相机和三脚架来拍夜景呢!就在这跟大家分享我拍的一些照片吧!



亚洲最大的摩天轮 – Singapore Flyer!


国庆过后到了老巴纱(Lau Par Sat)吃夜宵

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Age: 22
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Location: Singapore


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