I've done some math. Assuming I retire at the age of 60, and I graduate with my honours in accountancy at age 24, I have a good long 36 years to work. 36 years. So my question now is, "Why hurry to find another 9 to 6 bondage now?"
With a mere 'A' level certificate, I can command a pay up to S$1500 gross, depending on the employer. This would mean some security: a fixed pay check every month. However, this also means inflexibility. I would have to be in office from 9 to 6 for 5 days a week. Not to mention that most employees have no freedom to give overtime a miss when work is behind schedule.
Thus, I'm considering other alternatives. I just dowan to be bonded to an office and subjected to a volatile working environment. The last 3 months has been a horrible and painful experience. I dowan to re-live the pain. It's about thinking out of the box, about finding the time for more meaningful pursuits without a drop in income. One such avenue is tuition. To bring in the same amount of income, I would only need to clock 12 hours of tuition per week at standard charges of 30 to 35 dollars per hour. This is as compared to a minimum of 40 hours per week in the office to bring in the same income. Anyone has tuition assignments to recommend? =)
This image, taken from howardsviews.com, portrays credit cards as the economic slavery in America
The above is taken from www.wilsonsalmanac.com. I'm sure we've all felt this way before; we feel compelled to go to work although it may not be pleasant.
wikipedia.org defines wage slavery as follows: "Wage slavery is a socialist term used to refer to a condition in which a person is legally (de jure) voluntarily employed but practically (de facto) a slave. It is used to express disapproval of a condition where a person feels compelled to work in return for payment of a wage. In colloquial terms, this may refer to people that make a cult of work (the extreme case is death from overwork, known also as karoshi), or those who require one to work to be socially acceptable. In terms used by critics of capitalism, wage slavery is the condition where a person must sell his or her labor power, submitting to the authority of an employer merely to subsist."
In conclusion, I currently have no interest in feeling compelled to work in return for a fixed wage. Business and investments are out of my reach now; but I'm looking for alternatives that offer me similar freedom and flexibility. =)
P.S: If my views seem unorthodox, I recommend that you read books like "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and "Cashflow Quadrant" by Robert Kiyosaki. While it does not mention strong metaphors like wage slavery, it does encourage readers to generate income by other means other than solely from employment - trading time for money.
Well, my strongest inclination would be to call MJC and my alma meta, East Spring Sec and send out my resume. High chance that either one would take me in, or I could call other schools.
My first thought was to send out my resume and look for an even higher paying job as accounts assistant. This time, I would look for a big firm, which would likely be very organised.
However, I think I shall take a break. To pause and seek God and ask wad he wants me to do with my time now. There's also another possibility: going for missions. And during preparations, I can still train for the upcoming Singapore Biathlon and earn some money through tuition and learn driving as well. This would give me so much more freedom over my time and as well as some joy in serving God. But of course, I'm open to other possibilities.
"Actually your help isn't really needed. Your last day of work can be today or tomorrow", I was told over the phone earlier today. Well, it would be easy to rationalise that I was expecting the end of my tenure with my current company. I was hired to do some simple accounts while the accountant was on her long break; so now that she's coming back, there's not going to be much for me to do. Not to mention that I do have qualms working with this company; but I wanted to hang on, to see how I can learn to handle whatever the environment throws at me. The management decision did somehow take me by surprise.
Over the past 3 months, I was dedicated to whatever responsibilities I had to fulfil, and made effort to have a clear overall picture of our transactions. While I was expecting to leave, I guess the short notice really took a hit on me. Until the minute I received the call, I never regarded the job as a short stint, or a casual passing-by which would end in a day's time. Somehow I feel cheated of my feelings.
However, being dedicated to the job did help me gain more from the experience, so I guess that will be my reward. I learned much from the place: about people and relating with them, about how emotional people are with money and an on-the-job experience on the purchasing and billing processes. I also experienced the feeling of having alot of people asking me for money, staff and creditors alike - indeed depressing.
One other factor that adds to my emotional turmoil is having to say goodbye so suddenly to the friends I have made. They are not mere lunch companions but friends. They may have flaws, but I have ugly ones too. The point is that we accept each other for who we are.
Alex: The funny Malaysian who is so fun to crap and joke with. Not to mention that we can converse comfortably in both mandarin and english. He knows canto too... He has a gentle personality and a positive outlook. Less critical than I am. ;)
Leo: The Chinese PR... I always converse in mandarin with him; and it always seems enjoyable. A really comfortable person to be around with.
Angeline: A really cheerful and bubbly girl.. While she may be a tad too noisy sometimes, I feel she has a good heart. No evil intentions, honest and sincere. Very nice to talk too also.. We always chat on MSN too...
Agnes: A really competent manager in my opinion. Competent people always intrigue me.
Doris: The really funny, warm and nice secretary. Comfortable to chat with also.
Xiulan: Doris' best friend. Warm and friendly, has a very gentle demeanour that endears others to her.
And presenting, the buddies:
1. Warren a.k.a the artsy farty: The really creative graphics designer. The first person I spoke to as a friend. Another gentle hearted person but does not fail to voice his disagreements in a civilised manner. Gives me cool camera tips too!
2. Apple: A really sweet and thoughtful person. Always thinks of how others feel. She cries easily and I hope no one bullies her... Has great initiative too... Caring...
3. Trianti: Really cool Indonesian with a great dress sense. One heck of a brave girl to come here to live and work.. Christian too... I hope we'll meet in paradise... =)
4. Leon: Nice and thoughtful, able to control his temper too... Its not easy being in his shoes, and I admire him for that.
I may or may not meet some of them again, and some of them may or may not be in the company for long. I hope to keep in contact. At least the memories are for me to keep; memories are not about digital pixels, memories are the good times remembered in the brain and treasured in the heart.
Its another cheap thrill for me, I guess: stopping ever so frequently to appreciate my environment and capturing it with my canon powershot. Here, I hope to share this exitement with you; presenting to you, the best pictures captured today, along the way home, again. (P.S I dun take photos when I'm in a hurry to work. And inspirations just don't seem to come during lunch... hahha..)
I was suprised to see this trio at Tampines MRT - they usually bask along Orchard.
Look at the large crowd that has gathered around them!
That is in stark contrast to the few around this old uncle. I'm sure the Mexican look-alike trio didn't intend to compete with him, but they were literally next to each other, sound systems competing indisputably.
The trio played their own rendition of "yue liang dai biao wo de xin" or the moon represents my heart, famously performed by Teresa Tng. I thought it sounded great and I love that classic! Wonder who I will sing it to... hmmmm...
Look how fast Singaporeans walk man~! Its even worse in the morning when the entire "Tampines Working Persons Brigade" march in step towards the West-bound train. And when the train is projected to come in 2 minutes, they instinctively march at double quick time, just to shave 2 minutes off their travelling time.
Physical Discipline keeps the mind sharp.
Daunting task - the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
In most of the world, diamonds are also known as bling bling. However, in Africa, its bling 'BANG!' and you're dead. Every time a new resource is discovered in Africa, Africans die. The Blood Diamond is set in the backdrop of civil chaos in Sierra Leone in the 1990s, a period when the Revolutionary United Front (R.U.F) fought fiercely against the government. These rebels force innocent villagers to harvest diamonds which they exchange for weapons and recruit young boys as child soldiers for their battle against the government.
Watching the depiction of the training of child soldiers was heart-aching. The boys were trained to fire at mannequins, taught to earn respect by taking lives and emblodened by witnessing one of their fellow child soldiers shooting at a defenceless African man. The effectiveness of such devious training was demonstrated when Dia, points a pistol at his own father, Soloman who was on the quest to recover a huge diamond he found in the fields while being forced to harvest diamonds for the R.U.F.
What was stood out as I watched the movie was how Danny Archer, a mercenary, was not exactly sure of his intentions as each of the three characters used each other for their own interests. Maddy Bowen is a humanistic journalist who was interested in digging out names of persons who are indirectly funding the civil war in Sierra Leone and she knows that Danny Archer can give her such information. Danny Archer is a mercenary smuggling weapons for rebels in exchange for diamonds and he wants Soloman Vandy to recover the mammoth pink diamond for him. Soloman Vandy wants his family with him and asks Danny Archer to locate his family in exchange for the recovery of the buried pink diamond. Danny uses Maddy Bowen to help Soloman meet his family so that Soloman will recover the diamond for him. I feel that while Danny Archer acted on his interests of profiting from the recovery of the diamond, he had a humane heart as well. This is not only demonstrated from his giving of the stone to Soloman and indirectly to Maddy , but in his aid to Soloman in finding his son in the rebel camp, though one may argue that this was only done so that Soloman will recover the pink diamond for him. The manner in which this was brought out was fascinating, how Danny Archer's intentions are not exactly clear, perhaps even to himself and that while he was just in it for money, he may have a benevolent side.
Also, his experience may have caused him to work for his own monetary interests. While he was in the 32 battalion fighting in Mongolia, he thought he was fighting the communists, but he realises that there were other interests of their superiors that they were fighting for. As such, he left the force and worked for his own interests.
Overall, The Blood Diamond is a great movie to watch. It brings out the chaos of the civil war, the inhumanity of the innocent blood shed and the interests of the 3 characters and how they manipulated each other. It also increases the awareness of such blood diamonds in sale together with other diamonds marketed in our peaceful world as well as the state of chaos that we do not experience.
Haiz... I miss those days when I would go back to bunk every nite and gripe about what a horrible day I had! I still remember Guan Zheng complaining about his superior "transmitting" blue light to him... haha.. Apparently, she has some weird beliefs and she hanged this crystal ball above her table to diffract more light energy to her. When he approached her regarding official matters, she digressed and rattled about how he needed blue light and started "transmitting" her blue light to him! Maybe he just lacks blue light because he was in green army uniform... haha...
My bunk mates back in army - Guan Zheng and Jeremiah
Anyway, now that I don't have a bunk or Guan Zheng in my bunk, my horrible day can be summarised as follows:
1. I have a colleague who makes comments that are dripping with acid sarcasm. And I don't agree with his perception of events, of what my MD said during the morning's meeting. But of course, his opinions and the politics at his level are none of my business; provided his snipe comments are not aimed at me.
2. Silly non-existent invoice. Haiz... Needed official documents for customs declaration... Never found the invoice I needed. *almost faints*
3. Weeping culture. I have no idea why this is even happening: 2 ladies shedding tears in 2 work days! Something is not right man... And its the festive season!
4. Humility or humiliation??? My mother was still praying over family dinner that I will be more humble... blah blah blah... You see, a number of my colleagues frequently tease me for my youth. Initially, even until lunch today, I thought that I should just be humble; there's much for me to learn anyway. However, I am beginning to feel that putting me down bolsters up their ego.
Conclusion: Based on the evidence presented, I shall re-position myself away from the hotspots. Away from sarcastic, insincere and emotionally harmful people. If need be, after persevering longer, away from the entire volcanic region. Away from this company and back to job hunting as a last resort.
P.S. I have yet to climax the horribleness of the day because some issues are sensitive and cannot be published.
Ha.. Not much hype actually about the first post of 2007.. Nope, I'm not going to share about my philosophical resolutions for the year ahead; I am going to share with you one of my favorite pastimes, photography. I am no professional at the art yet, but in a year or so, I would be somewhere.. ha..
A.D 2007
I'm fascinated by the elaborate castle these children have constructed
East Coast: the family place? (used to be more happening than "family" rite?)
Cosmic explosion behind the trees? haha..
I would like to share this quote with you for this new year:
"Take this rule: whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obsures your sense of God, or takes off your relish of spiritual things; in short, whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may be in itself." - Susanna Wesly
Context: The above is an extract from Susanna Wesly's letter to John Wesly, in reply to his question: What is sin?
May we be in tune with the Holy Spirit this year and live as God wills and desires us to.
Gen Z is an agency started by a friend of mine... So, if you're looking for tutors or assignments, you can click on the link above! Also mention in your registration that I recommended you! =)