Photos from Thailand
Here are the finest photos that I took in Thailand! Well, not many to showcase, but here are the note-worthy ones..
lol.. ;)
from the budget airplane
Quiet time on the Rock!
"As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, O God. "
Psalm 42:1
Freed by Christ!
Thai boy playing with crab
some potted plant
some Thai flower (forgot its name)
The remnants of the 1st rose ever given to meThat's all for the photos... I'm determined to take awe-inspiring photos... Soon, soon, I hope... ;)
Labels: Photography
want something??
When I was in Thailand, I asked most of the students I met this one question, "What is the one the you want most in life..?" I offered them a number of possibilities, "Is it, money? Love? Good grades? Fame? Or family?" Their answer is pretty interesting... Most of them want love or family, quite contrary to what I believe most young Singaporeans would choose.
Well, from there, I shared with them the source of matchless love.
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."John 15:13I believe this beautiful verse speaks for itself. Which of your friends would die for you? So great is God's love for us. You want love? Seek no further; Jesus is waiting at the door of your heart.
God Loves You!
Pra Jaw Ruk KunLabels: Perspectives for Thought
back home
I miss Thailand and my team! haha... I miss my fellow french fry brother too... haha... anyway, I don't feel like updating much about my trip... (I'll tell those that i meet in person.. haha...) other than the fact that I love the food and that I visited a super loc-kok beach and went to an internet cafe during shopping time coz the stuff at Robinson's was expensive... lol.... so, hint, hint..... dun expect any souvenirs from me... haha.. ;)
Labels: The unClassifieds. Call 6123 4567 to publish.